
In compliance with UK data and privacy laws (“GDPR”) and in an effort to be more transparent, we have assembled the following information about the data we collect on this website, how we handle it and what we do to help maintain your privacy.

What data we collect

From this website, we collect the name and email address of those who submit a supplier via the contribute page. We also collect the name, email address and message of those who contact us using the contact form.

This websites does not store cookies on your machine, so we cannot identify or track your behaviour when you browse the content on this site. You can verify this using a tool like Cookiemetrix or Cookieserve.

Similarly, this website does not use analytics of any kind to track visitors, however we do use Google Search Console for measuring traffic from Google Search to my site.

What we do with data

The data we collect via form submissions is collected by Netlify, who send us a notification via email when a submision has been received. The data submitted to us from the contribute page is then added to an Airtable database, which is automated by Zapier.

The data submitted via the contact form is used to correspond with the contact via email. Whereas, the data submitted via the contribute page is used to populate website content.

We have no intention of selling your information to any third party data brokers.

How we keep your data safe

We use BitWarden to randomly generate and store a 28-character password for all accounts. We also use two-factor authentication (2FA) in order to keep these accounts as safe from hacks as possible.

⚠️ While we take the security of your personal data extremely seriously, no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security, particularly from third party data breaches.

If you have any concerns

Please contact us, as soon as possible, if you have any concerns about how your data is being handled or would like us to destroy it.